Blog Post

How to stop stress having a hold on you

Judy Claughton • Apr 08, 2022

Manage stress with a handle on the mental, emotional and physical

This April is stress awareness month - and its a good time to check in and ask yourself - are you aware of stress and what you do to manage it? Are those stress relivers helping or hindering - have you stopped to check?

Stress impacts us mentally, physically and emotionally - and just one action in any of these areas can help you to feel better.

Each week, this month, we'll share some top tips for managing stress and changing your relationship to worry to move into a greater state of wonder.

Mental actions to help reduce stress:
1. Stop and give your brain a break - look away from your screen and take three deep breaths through your nose.
2. Try journaling to let your thoughts wander - I particularly love 'morning pages' as championed by the brilliant Julia Cameron to help 'brain dump' and start the creative flow before your day.
3. Have a tec detox - can you give yourself an evening/day or whole weekend away from the phone and devices?

1. Any physical exercise helps to reduce cortisol - one of the most damaging stress hormones if not used up by exercise or meditation (yes ironic really that 'doing nothing' is as effective as going for a run!) Break up the day with a walk, a run and stretching between tasks.
2. What exercise did you used to love? Perhaps as a child? BMX biking? Netball? Dancing? Now covid restrictions have eased there are a lot more places to engage with old loves and rediscover a passion from your past that makes physical exercise fun.
3. Feel your chi - explore the mindful movement connection of tai chi, chi gong or a simple standing meditation lifting your hands gently up to your shoulder level in front of your body - and then back down.

1. Connection is such an important way of managing your stress - when is the last time you picked up the phone and had a real conversation with a friend. Make a pledge this month to reach out to friends, make time for a call or if you an fix some time to meet up in real life.
2. Gratitude - is a powerful way to feel better about yourself. Write a letter with all the things you are grateful for right now. Or start a gratitude journal or jar filled with daily grateful thoughts.
3. Each day share your best 3 things - in a conversation with a friend, colleague or someone in your family - it's a lovely way to rephrase the question 'How was your day' into 'What were your 3 best things about today'. You can find silver linings in the darkest of days and you'll find you start looking for these best things, and understanding others better with this question.

What helps you manage your stress levels? Let us know on Facebook Instagram or LinkedIn or getting in contact direct !

Image thanks to David Garrison via Pexels free image source

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